Saturday, June 4, 2016

Classroom Twitter Feed

One of the best things I've done in the past couple of years as a teacher has been to add a classroom Twitter account after a suggestion at Monterey Bay Aquarium's teacher training. It's helped me connect to parents, students, administrators, our librarian, and other teachers. Social Media like Twitter and Pinterest have a vibrant teacher community that if you haven't tapped into yet, I highly suggest you do.

One great thing about Twitter is that even those not on it can see your current posts in a Twitter feed--no "following" required (though it is nice when they do and "like" content). It's good if in general you take larger group photos, take photos in which students' faces are not close-ups, avoid using names if student's faces can be easily matched up, and especially with younger students consider taking photos from the back of their heads if engaged in interesting tasks or images of the work itself. Note: Our school requires students and parents to sign an image release. If your school does too, make sure to check with your administrator in case there are students who should not be in photographs. Anyway, here's mine:

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